Nauka i pravoohorona, 2022, №2 (English version)
Full version (ukr)

Theory and philosophy of law. Comparative law. History of law and state
Nepomiashchykh Vitalii The Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine: The Path of Historical Memory (On the 90th Anniversary of the Genocide of the Ukrainian People)
Chysnikov Volodymyr, Lelet Serhii, Kobets Maryna, Alieksieieva Olha, Kozhuhar Oksana, Yakubchyk Tetiana Law-Enforcement Agencies of Halychyna and Volyn as Part of the Republic of Poland (1921–1939): Chronicle of the Main Events
Administrative law and process. Financial law
Bochek Oksana Developing Digital Competence and Its Impact on Gender Equality
Hrushchenko Olena, Bulycheva Nataliia, Bulychev Andrii Formation of the Necessary Competencies of Higher Education Applicants on Analyzing the Problems of Non-Fulfillment of Economic and Contractual Obligations Under Martial Law
Kolesnyk Victoriia Legal Mechanisms for Response to Emergency Situations Under the Conditions of Marital State in Ukraine
Lisnychenko Lilia General Guidelines for Building Strategic Communications in the Law Enforcement System of Ukraine
Riadinska Valeria, Cantser Anna Directions for Improving the Legal Regulation of the Implementation of E-Government in Ukraine
Smernytskyi Demian Legal Principles of Expert Activity in the Field of Metrology
Tsyhanov Oleh, Rybinska Anna, Matsko Anatolii Internal Security System of the State of Israel
Criminal law and criminology. Criminal and executive law
Anheleniuk Anna-Mariia Peculiarities of Pre-Trial Investigation of Receiving Unlawful Benefits by an Official in Ukraine
Artiukhova Valeriia Regarding the Understanding of the Legal Construction “Criminological Characteristics of Crimes”
Bahadenko Iryna Activities of Juvenile Prevention Units of the National Police of Ukraine in the Conditions of War: Problems and Perspectives
Blyzniuk Ihor Peculiarities of Detection of Criminal and Other Offenses Related to Misuse of Budgetary Funds (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
Boiko Ivan Prevention of Criminal Offenses as One of the Main Tasks of the Activity of the National Police of Ukraine
Horokh Oleksii “Drug” Criminal Offenses Under the Draft of the New Criminal Code of Ukraine
Denysov Serhii, Svirin Mykola, Zaika Dmytro Content Research of Supervised Probation in Ukraine
Korystin Oleksandr, Svyrydiuk Nataliia Threats Assessment in the Field of Economic Security of Ukraine
Popovych Volodymyr Classification and Conceptual Reflection of the Structural Components for Committing Raiding Process
Repik Ihor, Bova Andrii Regional Analysis of Accident Rates on Road Transport in Ukraine
Riamzina Alina The Specificities of Gender-Based Violence Against Women in Situations of Military Aggression
Sakharova Olena Peculiarities of Committing Criminal and Other Offenses in the Process of Public Procurement in the Nuclear Energy Sector of Ukraine
Chabaiovskyi Taras Experience of Foreign Countries in the Sphere of Prevention and Counteraction to Juvenile Delinquency
Yablonskyi Roman Current Directions of Scientific Development and Improvement of Organizational and Tactical Principles Combating Organized Crime in Ukraine
Criminal procedure and criminalistics. Judicials expertises. Investigation and search operations
Havryliuk Liudmyla Peculiarities of the Beginning of a Pre-Trial Investigation Under Martial Law
Civil law and сivil process. Family law. International private law
Lysenko Iryna, Lysenko Andrii, Perevalova Liudmyla, Hariaieva Hanna Civil and Sports Law as a Sub-Branch of Ukrainian Civil Law
Juridical psychology and pedagogy. Psychological support of law-enforcement activities
Barko Vadym V., Barko Vadym I., Ostapovych Volodymyr Determination of the Psychological Suitability Level of Police Officers and Cadets of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for Service Activity