Наука і правоохорона, 2021, №4 (англійська версія)
Номер цілком (укр)

Теорія та філософія права. Порівняльне правознавство. Історія права та держави
Бондаренко В.Д., Семенишин М.О. Police Chaplains in Ukraine: History, Essence of Their Activity, Development Prospects
Чисніков В.М. Police Colonel M.M. Polskoi (1931–1985) – The Legend of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Luhansk Region (to the 90th birthday)
Адміністративне право і процес. Фінансове право
Бойко І.В. Legal Regulation in the Field of Information Security of Minors
Бортник В.А., Бондарчук А.С., Заросило В.О. The Objective Side of a Threat or Violence against a Journalist
Жукова Є.О. Purpose and Mission of Public Administration: Legal Aspects
Колесник В.А. Legal Problems of Counteraction Destructive Information Influences in the Modern Information Space
Lelet Serhii, Pluhatar Tetiana. Foreign Experience of the Legal Regulation in Police Management and its Use in Ukraine
Лісниченко Л.В. Locally Produced and Foreign Experience in the Implementation of Strategic Communications through the Public Administration System
Мацько В.А. Anti-Corruption Restrictions on Directly Subordinating Related Persons While Serving in the National Police of Ukraine: Problems of Legal Regulation
Минюк О.Ю., Коваленко О.М. Legal Regulation of Individuating Means for the Participants of the Civil Turnover of Goods and Services: Comparative Characteristics of the Legislation in Ukraine and the European Union
Минюк О.Ю., Красько В.В. Corporate Relations: Scientific Interpretation and Current Judicial Practice
Онопрієнко С.Г. Object of Ensuring Information Security in the Sphere of Public Administration
Подойніцин В.М. The European Union and the Law of Armed Conflict
Смерницький Д.В. Legal Basis for Financial Provision of the Technical Regulation Sphere
Суббот А.І. Comparative Administrative Jurisprudence as an Instrument of Europeanization the Science of Administrative Law
Хальота А.І. Legal Status of Police Officers in Ukraine and Ways of Its Improvement
Циганов О.Г., Рибінська А.П. Concepts and Features of Public Administration by the Organs of the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Field of Internal Security of Ukraine
Шопіна І.М. Community Councils under Public Administration Bodies as Subjects of Democratic Civilian Control in the Security and Defense Sector
Кримінальне право та кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право
Багаденко І.П. Particularities of the Detection and Documentation of the Cases of Domestic Violence Committed by Children
Баліна С.Н. Activities of Illegal Takeovers and Mergers of Enterprises (Raiding) in Ukraine and the State of Regulatory-Legal Support for Countering Them
Близнюк І.Л. Types and Methods of Committing Crimes and Other Offenses in the Construction, Reconstruction, Repair and Maintenance of Highways
Лубенець І.Г., Чабайовський Т.В. Criminological Characteristics of the Child-Offender
Оцел В.В. Criminological Characteristics of Cases of Domestic Violence (Art. 126-1 of the Criminal Code) in Ukraine
Попович В.М. Terms and Concepts – Neologisms as a Means of Reflecting the Enterprises Merger Raiding Process
Процик Л.С., Бурбій А.В. Foreign Experience of Legal Regulation of Prevention and Combating Domestic Violence and the Possibility of Its Application in Ukraine
Рямзіна А.Ю. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace as a Form of Gender-Based Violence against Women
Сахарова О.Б. Shading and Criminalization of the Energy Sector in the Production, Supply and Sale of Electricity
Свірін М.О. Usage of International Experience in Preventing the Illicit Trafficking of Firearms and Ammunition in Ukraine
Кримінальний процес та криміналістика. Судова експертиза. Оперативно-розшукова діяльність
Пономаренко А.В. Hearsay Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Problems of Domestic Theory and Practice