Наука і правоохорона, 2022, №1 (англійська версія)
Номер цілком (укр)

Теорія та філософія права. Порівняльне правознавство. Історія права та держави
Заросило В.О. Historical and Legal Reasons for the War in the Former Yugoslavia and Ukraine and their Comparison
Непомящих В.Ю. Legislative Basis for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage Monuments in the Independent Ukraine
Чисніков В.М., Буран В.В. Scientists-Police Officers of the Novorossiisk (Odessa) University P.M. Sheimin and Scientific Activities
Ярмиш О.Н., Греченко В.А. Crime in the Militia of the USSR in the Mid-1930s: Main Aspects
Адміністративне право і процес. Фінансове право
Аlekseenko I.V., Kobets M.P. Political and Legal Problems of Information Security in Public Governance in the Conditions of Globalization
Бойко І.В. Control of Ensuring Inspections of Official Activities of the National Police of Ukraine
Грущенко О.А., Буличева Н.А., Буличев А.О. Organizational and Legal Bases for Implementation of Innovations in State Management of Есonomiс and Social Proсesses in Ukraine on the Basis of Prinсiples Integration with the Еuropean Union
Pluhatar Tetiana, Lelet Serhii Content, Features and Forms of Administrative-Jurisdictional Activity of the National Police of Ukraine
Смерницький Д.В. Current Problems of Higher Legal Education
Кримінальне право та кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право
Бова А.А. Population’s Fear of Crime and Assessment of the Prevalence of Offenses in Ukraine
Гаврилюк Л.В. Peculiarities of the Admission of Hearsay Evidence in Criminal Proceedings Through the Prism of Court Decisions
Користін О.Є., Користін О.О. Cybersecurity Threats in Ukraine
Кулик О.Г., Наумова І.В Criminal Situation in Ukraine 2021: Major Trends
Федотова Г.В., Краснопольська Л.П. Studying Foreign Approaches to the Settlement of the Issue of Reconciliation of the Perpetrator with the Victim as Participants in Criminal Legal Relations
Юридична психологія та педагогіка. Психологічне забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності
Барко В.І., Остапович В.П., Барко В.В. The Effectiveness of Use of the Californian Psychological Questionnaire in the Work with the National Police of Ukraine Personnel
Криволапчук В.О., Барко В.І. Тhe Invariant Organizational-Legal and Psychological Features of the Professional Police Activity
П’янківська Л.В., Бойко-Бузиль Ю.Ю. Problematic Issues of Normative Legal Support for Psychological Assistance to Police Officers After Being in Extreme Situations