Наука і правоохорона, 2021, №1 (англійська версія)
Номер цілком (укр)

Теорія та філософія права. Порівняльне правознавство. Історія права та держави
Алєксєєнко І.В. Concepts of Civilizational Development: Contradiction of Political, Legal and Management Tendencies
Греченко В.А., Ярмиш О.Н., Калюк О.М. Activity of the Militia USSR in 1935
Непомящих В.Ю. Historical and Legal Aspect of Formation of Protection and Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of Ukraine
Федотова Г.В. Legal Culture and Legal Thinking as the Main Components of Legal Society.
Адміністративне право і процес. Фінансове право
Азаренко Т.І. Certain Legal and Organizational Problems of Access to Justice in the Conditions of Armed Conflict in the East of Ukraine
Бочек О.І. On the Essence of the Concepts of “Gender Equality” and “Discrimination”.
Ващук Н.Ф. Administrative and Legal Relations in the Field of Light Industry of Ukraine.
Долженков О.Ф., Плугатар Т.А., Лелет С.М. International and European Standards of Justice and Their Implementation into Ukrainian Administrative Judiciary
Євчук Т.В., Заросило В.О., Заросило В.В. Administrative Activity of National Police Employees Regarding the Implementation of Regulatory Acts on Administrative Recovery during a Pandemic in Ukraine.
Заверуха В.Г. Theoretical and Legal Analysis of the Concept of “Lawmaking”.
Ковальчук А.Ю., Косиця О.О. Disclosures as Potential Entities for Ensuring the Financial and Economic Security of the State.
Минюк О.Ю., Андросович В.С. Problems and Directions of Improving the Legal Regime of State Property.
Опришко І.В. Internal Security of the State: Concepts, Threats and Ways of Ensuring
Подойніцин В.М. Legal Aspects of the Structure of the NATO International Staff.
Рядінська В.О., Проценко Т.О., Кузнецова О.В. Ways of the Improvement of the Simplified Taxation, Accounting and Reporting System in Ukraine.
Халимон С.І., Зьолка В.Л., Кухар В.В. General Principles of Financial Support of Operational and Investigative Activities of Operational Units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
Хальота А.І. Anti-Corruption Restrictions after the Termination of Service in the National Police of Ukraine.
Циганов О.Г. Peculiarities of the Organization of the Activities of the National Police of Israel.
Бойко I.B. Legal Regulation of Combating Crimes in Illegal Circulation and Use of Firearms: Foreign Experience.
Кримінальне право та кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право
Користін О.Є., Свиридюк Н.П. Formation of Security Competences in Law Enforcement Activities
Краснопольська Л.П. Establishment and Development of the Institution of Release from Criminal Liability in Connection with Reconciliation of the Perpetrator with the Victim
Лубенець І.Г. Foreign Experience of Domestic Violence Prevention
Малахов Г.Б. The Current Experience of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Fight against Organized Crime.
Рямзіна А.Ю. Measures to Combat Domestic Violence during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Юридична психологія та педагогіка. Психологічне забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності
Барко В.І., Криволапчук В.О. Diagnostic Potential of Californian Psychological Inventory for Usage in the System of MIA Bodies.
Остапович В.П., П’янківська Л.В. Features of the Manifestation of Resistance in Police.
Остапович І.П. Legal and Psychological Features of Professional Activities of Juvenile Prevention Policemen of the National Police of Ukraine
Цивільне право та цивільний процес. Сімейне право. Міжнародне приватне право
Погрібний С.О., Морозова С.Є. Disputes Settlement between Parents Regarding the Participation of One of the Parents in the Upbringing of a Child: Issues of Judicial Practice.
Филь С.П. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Context of Ukrainian National Security.
Resolution on the results of the All-Ukrainian scientific-methodical seminar “Personal Security in the Digital Environment: Legal, Psychological and Technological Aspects” (Kyiv, April 7, 2021).