Наука і правоохорона, 2022, №3 (англійська версія)
Номер цілком (укр)

Теорія та філософія права. Порівняльне правознавство. Історія права та держави
Ірха Ю.Б. The Concept and Essence of Gender-Based Violence
Адміністративне право і процес. Фінансове право
Колесник В.А. Legal Mechanisms for Response to Emergency Situations under the Conditions of Marital State in Ukraine
Подойніцин В.М., Подойніцин М.В., Теслицький А.А. Legal Procedures and Some Other Issues in the Activities of the American National Standards Institute
Смерницький Д.В. Legal Basis of Scientific-Organizational and Information Support of the Sphere of Examinations
Хальота А.І. Legal Problems of Implementing the Principle of Political Neutrality in the Activities of the Police
Царук А.В. European-Integration Development of Risk-Oriented Approach in the Activities of the State Border Service of Ukraine
Циганов О.Г., Рибінська А.П. Features of the Organization of the Activities of the National Police of Ukraine under Martial Law
Кримінальне право та кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право
Вербенський М.Г., Свірін М.О. Problematic Issues of Improving Counteraction and Prevention of Illegal Circulation of Firearms and Ammunition under Martial Law in Ukraine (Issues of Legislative Support)
Близнюк І.Л. Characteristics of Typical Methods of Committing Cibercrime under Martial Law
Бойко І.В. Prevention of Criminal Offenses as One of the Main Tasks of the Activity of the National Police of Ukraine
Бурангулов В.А. The Institutional Genesis of the Crime Analysis
Кулик О.Г., Наумова І.В., Скоробогатова А.Ю. Analysis of Sentence Practices for the Most Common Criminal Offenses Related to Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances or Their Analogues
Лубенець І.Г. France’s Experience of Protecting Children in the Digital Environment
Рямзіна А.Ю. Foreign Experience of Preventing Gender-Based Violence Against Women in Areas of Armed Conflict
Кримінальний процес та криміналістика. Судова експертиза. Оперативно-розшукова діяльність
Ангеленюк А.-М.Ю., Мацько В.А. Problems of Proving Wrongful Benefit (Review of Court Practice)
Мовчан А.В., Веселовська Т.С. Features of the Conduct of Covert Investigative (Search) Actions and Operational and Technical Measures with the Application of Technical Means by the Operative Units of the National Police
Мовчан А.В., Жуковський І.В. Features of the Interaction of the Operative Units of the National Police with Other Units of the Law Enforcement Bodies in the Field of Country Trafficking in Human Beings
Пономаренко А.В. Collection of Electronic Evidence by the Prosecution Side in the Criminal Process of Ukraine: Problems of Today
Сахарова О.Б. Essence and Content of the Cyber Incident Investigation Procedure in Accordance with ISO and Nist International Standards
Цивільне право та цивільний процес. Сімейне право. Міжнародне приватне право
Алєксєєва О.В., Чисніков В.М., Лелет С.М., Кожухар О.В., Якубчик Т.В. Children during Hostilities and Armed Conflicts as a Separate Category of Subjects of International Humanitarian Law
Орел Л.В., Буличев А.О., Орєхов О.І. Land as a Special Object of Civil Relations
Юридична психологія та педагогіка. Психологічне забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності
Барко В.І., Остапович В.П. Results of the Standardization of Adapted Foreign Psychodiagnostic Questionnaires
Пампура І.І., П'янківська Л.В. Psychological Features of the Motivation of Professional Activity of Police Officers