Наука і правоохорона, 2019, №3 (англійська версія)
Номер цілком (укр)

Теорія та філософія права. Порівняльне правознавство. Історія права та держави
Саблук С.А. Materials of the Soviet Party-Administrative Bodies as a Source of the History of Counteraction to Crime in Ukraine
Чисніков В.М., Плугатар Т.А. Academician Yurii Ivanovych Rymarenko – World Known Scientist (to the 90th birth anniversary)
Адміністративне право і процес. Фінансове право
Білоус В.Т., Тильчик О.В., Тильчик В.В. Reform of Domestic Higher Education: Topical Issues
Бондаренко В.Д. Legal Regulation of the Development of Modern Educational and Scientific Sphere of Ukraine
Berlach N.A., Berlach Yu.A. Introduction of the Best European Practices to the Functioning of Ukrainian Police
Рядінська В.О., Будзинський М.П., Бакал М.А. State Fee as a Spesial Payment Related with the Inheritance and Gifts Receiving
Циганов О.Г. Modern Informational and Communication Technologies in Public Service Activities: Foreign Experience
Кримінальне право та кримінологія. Кримінально-виконавче право
Ковальчук Т.І., Користін О.Є., Свиридюк Н.П. Hybrid Threats in the Civil Security Sector in Ukraine.
Вербенський М.Г. Peculiarities of Formation of the Criminogenic Situation in Ukraine during the Electorial period of 2019
Дрозд В.Г. Consideration of Petitions during Pre-Trial Investigation: Debatable Aspects
Кулик О.Г. Key Trends of Policy Assigning of Criminal Penalties in Ukraine
Мартиненко О.А., Блага А.Б. Criminal Responsibility for Domestic Violence: the First Application Results of Article 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Мисливий В.А. Organized Criminal Activities: Complicity Forms in Crime
Музика А.А. Violation of the Established Order of Preclinical Study, Clinical Trials and State Registration of Medicines: Scientific and Practical Commentary
Попович В.М. Criminality in the Areas of Economy: the Concept, Structural Components and Reflection of Their Content
Protsenko Т.О. General and Specific Foundations for Preventing Criminal Offences Committed in the Field of Economic Activity
Федотова Г.В. Concept and Purpose of Punishment for Criminal Offenses
Юридична психологія та педагогіка. Психологічне забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності
Kryvolapchuk V.О. Professional Competence of Supervisory Staff of the National Police of Ukraine: Psychological and Legal Aspect
Остапович В.П., Барко В.І. Personality Profile of the Profession of District Police Offiсer of the National Police of Ukraine