Nauka i pravoohorona, 2019, №4 (English version)
Full version (ukr)

Theory and philosophy of law. Comparative law. History of law and state
Alieksieienko Iryna. Reconceptualization of Migration Processes of the Globalization Age: Political and Legal Aspect
Kroshko Valerii. Logic Structure of Sysk Philosophy of Professor O.Yu. Shumilov (to the 63rd birth anniversary and anniversary of death)
Melnyk Victoriia. Evolution of the International Legal Status of the Suez Channel after the Second World War
Okipniuk Volodymyr. Bodies of the MGB of the UKRSSR at the Final Stage of the Stalinist Totalitarian Regime (1946-1953): Historical and Legal Research
Rekotov Petro. Normative Bases of Public Boards of Inquiry Crimes in the Territory Liberated from Hitler’s Invaders
Shopina Iryna. Development of Legal Culture in Modern Conditions of State Formation
Constitutional law. Municipal law.
Bukhanevych Oleksandr, Ivanovska Alla. Principles of Constitutional Control as a Special Type of State Control: Essential Features
Administrative law and process. Financial law
Bazan Oleksandr. Objects of Administrative and Legal Protection of the Environment
Bakal Vitalii. Administrative and Legal Aspects of the Resource Support of the National Police of Ukraine
Boiko Ivan. Analytical Work in the Realm of Policing in Ukraine
Boikov Andrii. Civil-military Cooperation in Modern Ukraine: the Necessity of Improvement
Budzynskyi Mykola. Corruption Risks of “Appointments” and “Competitive Selections” in the National Police of Ukraine
Hurin Dmytro. The Availability of Well-founded Fear of being a Victim of Persecution as a Necessary Condition for Recognition of Administrative and Legal Refugee Status
Zaichko Konstiantyn. Legal Basis of Public Administration in the Field of Communications in Ukraine
Kovalchuk Alla, Koval Olha. Gender Balance in the Legislation on Security Matters (the Example of Anty-mine Activities in Ukraine)
Konduforova Lada. Essence of Administrative and Legal Measures for the Protection of Private Interests
Kuvarzin Oleksii Improvement of Administrative Liability for the Violation of Order of Conduction of Cash Calculations
Lelet Serhii. Problematic Issues of Preventing Conflict of Interest in the National Police of Ukraine
Lytvyn Nataliia. Directions of Increasing the Level of Legal Support of Information Activities of the State Tax Service of Ukraine
Prykhodko Vadym. Subjects of Administrative and Legal Prevention of Transport Accidents in Ukraine
Prokhorov Kostiantyn. The Declaration of Persons Authorized to Implement the Functions of the State or Local Self-government as One of the Means of Prevention of Corruption
Samsin Roman. Legal Regime of Proceeds from Economic Activities as a Supplementary Cost Source for Defense Expenditures
Samus Yevhen. Administrative and Legal Principles and Guarantees of the Activities of the Bodies of the System MIA Ukraine for the Fulfillment of Functions of Technical Regulation
Tereshchuk Volodymyr. Public Administration as a Legal Category: Analysis of Approaches
Tkachuk Serhii. Regulatory Support of Public Procurements in Ukraine
Tryhubenko Maryna. Foreign Experience of Grant-Making as Support for Scientific Research
Turhut ohly Hadzhy Salaiev. System of Subjects Providing Administrative and Legal Support for Information Security in the Customs Sphere
Tsyhanov Oleh. Monitoring of Service Activities and Peculiarities of Their Implementation in the Field of Public Administration
Fyl Svitlana. Stages of Proceedings in Cases of Violation of Customs Rules under Art. 476 CC of Ukraine
Sheibut Denys. Features of Risk Assessment and Threat to Migration Processes in Ukraine
Criminal law and criminology. Criminal and executive law
Burbii Anastasiia. Common Features of Crimes against Electoral Rights
Klymchuk Valerii. Problems of Applying the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights in the Practice of Investigative Units of the National Police of Ukraine
Pluhatar Tetiana. Measures for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention in Ukraine
Fedotova Hanna, Anastasiia Burbii. Establishing and Developing Criminal Liability for Crimes against Voting Rights
Fyl Ruslan. Characteristics of Features of Crimes against the Rights to Industrial Property Objects
Chorna Olena. Interpretation of the Features of the Subject of the Crime of “Non-enforcement of Judgments”
Criminal procedure and criminalistics. Judicials expertises. Investigation and search operations
Havryliuk Liudmyla. Procedural Order of Appeal against the Decision of the Investigating Judge during the Pre-case Investigation
Ponomarenko Alla. Warranties of Legal Protection of Investigation of Procedural Activities: Modern Issues
Rybalskyi Oleh, Soloviov Viktor, Cherniavskyi Serhii, Zhuravel Vadym. Features of Modern Probabilistic Technologies of Judicial Examination
Shulha Oleksandr. Legal and Organizational Issues of the Appointment and Carrying Out Legal Expert Examination in the Criminal Justice of Ukraine
International law
Alieksieiev Serhii. Norms of International Law in the Legal System of Ukraine: Theoretical Approaches
Bulycheva Nataliia, Bulychev Andrii, Dolia Liudmyla. Development of International Cooperation of Ukraine in the Field of Mediation
Zumrud Zahir kyzy Veliieva. Conceptual Foundations of Property Right as a Fundamental Human Right
Kosilova Olha. Classification of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of Human and Citizens by the Functions of Rights in the Legal System of Germany
Information law. Intellectual property
Onopriienko Stanislav. Countering Threats to National Security in the Information Sphere: the Legal Aspect
Juridical psychology. Psychological support of law-enforcement activities
Barko Vadym I., Kyriienko Liudmyla, Barko Vadym V. Possibilities of Using the Adapted Questionnaire for Diagnostics of Emotional Intelligence by Psychologists of the National Police of Ukraine
Ostapovych Volodymyr. Legal and Psychological Peculiarities of Organization of Psychoprophylactic Work by the Heads of the National Police Units of Ukraine
Yarmysh Oleksandr, Chysnikov Volodymyr. Professor Roland Serhiiovych Mulukaiev - Internationally Renowned Scholar (To the 90th anniversary of his birth)